And this is how it looks (we recreated it with these tiny "bratwurst" sausages from Trader Joe's, which are really close in taste):
"WHAAAT??", You will ask and you shall. You see, the curried sausage is one of the many sausages you can grab for a pittance and on the go, on the street, from a booth. This one is a pork sausage, often sliced up and drenched in a curry-infused ketchup and garnished with red curry powder. Although there are your real spicy varieties, the curry is mostly on the mild side.
There is one more item of importance. Berliners have a bee in their bonnet about laying claim to the curried sausage's origin. Herta Heuwer, they say, came up with it from scrounging together the ingredients from various sources after the Second World War, while resources were scarce and bellies were hungry. However, as Uwe Timm points out and invested an entire novel on, which, as should be mentioned turned into a feature length motion picture of quite some acclaim, the Curry Wurst really originated from a centuries old market place, the Großneumarkt, in the heart of HAMBURG. There. Eat it. And yes. Please do. It's delicious and probably not very healthy.