Even though this dish took an hour it was easy with lots of time inbetween to do other things. And on top of it it was yummy.

We chopped up a big onion and a few cloves of garlic.
While we heated 3 cups of water we fried up some pork, we had cut up into small pieces with some olive oil, salt, pepper, and a little paprika spice.
We removed the meat for a second to heat up the onion and garlic in the same pot with more oil. Just for a minute.
We added 1 cup of brown rice, a couple spoons of tomatoe paste and the meat for another minute, while stirring.
Then came the hot water to slowly simmer the rice. The brown rice took maybe 40 minutes.
In the meantime we chopped up 2 yellow peppers, 4 tomatoes, and a handful of parsley.
We added the veggies during the rice's cooking time. The peppers halfway through. The tomatoes maybe ten minutes before being done. The parsley at the end. Leaving some for looks when we served it.
Not knowing how all three girls would like it, we made sure to have some bread, too, for back up.
It looks soopier than it really was. More of a gullash type dish. Very tasty!