To start we got a pot of brown rice going (3 cups of boiling water with 2 minced cloves of garlic, olive oil and 1 1/2 cups of brown rice, brought to a boil and turned down to the lowest setting).
For the recipe, we whacked away at 3 breasts of chicken to flatten them out. Since we didn't have anything more appropriate at hand, we used a mug that had "Enjoy life to the fullest" embossed onto it. So now the chicken read "Enjoy life to the fullest". Which is of course quite macabre from the point of the chicken.
Then we mixed up about a half cup of flour with a dash of salt, pepper, and paprika spice.
Then we dragged the chicken through it and tossed it into some heated olive oil.
While we fried the chicken we sliced up, quite thin, 1 bulb of fennel and 1 red pepper.
The chicken needed about 10 minutes. We took it out of the pan, turned down the heat and slowly softened the veggies with the lit on for about another 10 minutes till all the good flavors were wafting up from the pan.
Then we added just a about 1 cup of veggie broth and white wine each, turned up the heat, brought it all back to a boil and
added the chicken back in for about 5 more minutes.

It was delicious. Womp!
Thanks and a shout out to the Teeny Tiny Kitchen! Womp!