First we sliced up 2 red peppers and 2 yellow peppers
and tossed them in a pan with a little olive oil, salt, and pepper. We placed a lid on them and cooked them ever so slowly for 15 minutes. It was impressive how much tasty fragrance they produced like that.
Meanwhile we started a pot of water for cooking rigatoni pasta, sliced a red onion,
and added it to the mix. We continued the slow heating process for another 20 minutes.
This gave us plenty of time to slice a couple cloves of garlic, plug the leaves off a handful of parsley, and finely slice the stalks.
After a total of 35 minutes we cranked up the heat and added the garlic and parsley stalks, tossing them about for a short while.
Then we added a couple gluggs of red wine vinegar and let it sizzle away.
We turned the heat back down and added a little bit of freshly grated parmesan cheese and a couple chunks of mascarpone cheese.
When the rigatoni were done we tossed them with the veggies, some reserved cooking water from the pasta, and the parsley leaves.